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Christian Leaders Back Prophet Fufeyin Amidst VeryDarkMan’s Forgery, Lies


By Unyime Etim, Uyo

The Unholy Meddling of VeryDarkMan and NAFDAC: A Threat to Our Faith

The recent vicious attacks on Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry by VeryDarkMan, Mr. Martins Vincent Otse, have left the Christian community reeling in shock and outrage. This relentless barrage of falsehoods and defamation has caused irreparable harm to the reputation of a revered man of God.

The FCT High Court's injunctive order restraining VeryDarkMan from posting further defamatory content is a testament to the devastating impact of his actions. But the damage has already been done. Innocent lives have been affected, families torn apart, and the very fabric of our faith threatened.

NAFDAC's involvement in this saga is a stark reminder of the dangers of government overreach. How can an agency tasked with regulating food and drugs possibly claim expertise in spiritual matters? Their attempts to discredit Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry's spiritual products are not only laughable but also an affront to our constitutional rights.

The Nigerian Constitution guarantees freedom of religion without interference. Yet, NAFDAC's actions are a blatant disregard for this fundamental right. Are they seeking to undermine the very foundations of our faith?

VeryDarkMan's alleged forgery of receipts is a reprehensible act that exposes his true intentions. Driven by malice and a lust for fame, he will stop at nothing to destroy the reputation of Prophet Jeremiah and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry.

Recently, the self acclaimed 'Social Media Chief Judge' took a step further in his random attack on social media to call out Pastor Lazarus Muoka the General Overseer of The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement for a certain testimony taken in his church.

"Critic's Vitriolic Post Raises Questions About Online Accountability and the Role of Spiritual Leaders"

The critic's post, which has since gone viral, claims that testimony taken in the church was fake and that the Pastor has "failed to live up to the moral standards he preaches" 

The recent attack has drawn both support and condemnation from the online community, with some defending the critic's right to free speech and others accusing him of "character assassination" and "cyberbullying."

Pastor Lazarus Muoka is yet to publicly respond to the criticism, but comments from Christians described the allegations as "baseless" and "unsubstantiated."

All these incidents has raised important questions about the role of social media in holding public figures accountable and the potential consequences of unchecked online criticism.

"Social media has become a courtroom where people are tried and convicted without due process," said Etim Bassey, a social media analyst. "We need to be careful not to confuse criticism with character assassination."

As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the intersection of social media, spirituality, and accountability has created a complex and contentious landscape that requires careful navigation.

The Christian community will not stand idly by while our leaders and spiritual products are mercilessly attacked. We demand that NAFDAC focuses on its core mandate and respects the boundaries of its authority.

VeryDarkMan's actions are a cowardly attempt to exploit the vulnerability of our faith. But we will not be intimidated. We will not be silenced.

If this unholy meddling continues unchecked, what's next? Will they dare challenge the sacred institutions of the Holy Communion, anointing oil, and mantles that have been the cornerstone of our faith for centuries? The very thought sends shivers down our spines.

We urge the relevant authorities to take immediate action against VeryDarkMan and NAFDAC. The Christian community demands respect for our beliefs and practices. We will not tolerate further interference from individuals and agencies with no authority in spiritual matters.

To our brothers and sisters in Christ, we say: remain vigilant, remain steadfast. We will not let the forces of darkness prevail. We will rise up and defend our faith, our leaders, and our sacred institutions.

Shall we let the clout chasers and agents of darkness dictate the narrative of our faith? Shall we let them trample upon the sacred altars of our churches? No! We say no!

We are Christians, and we will not be silenced. We will not be intimidated. We will rise up and reclaim our faith.

God bless the Christian community.

God bless Nigeria.

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